This is what needs to happen before we can set out again.
1. Bimini cover
Trailer tires repaired
Sand and varnish bowsprit
Reinstall bobstay
5. Repair boarding ladder
Install tar paper and reattach staysail shroud
Paint white rub rail on Keewatin
8. Paint green stripe
9. Mast boots
10. Lettering on dinghy - T/T Keewatin
11. Sand, prime and paint salon
12. Sand, prime and paint foc's'le
13. Hook up head (marine toilet)
14. Check and repair all sails
15. Bend on sails
Buy new hot water heater
17. Install new hot water heater
18. Fix water maker
19. Secure storage drawer faces
20. Buy all stores - this one is fun :)
21. Replace lifeline
22. Glue clock
23. Install main engine start button and alternator
24. Deal with generator oil leak
25. Acquire backup 2KW gas generator
26. Replace VHF fuse
27. Launch Boston Whaler
We managed to cross a few items off the list today but we have a lot to do in the next couple of weeks!